Check the status of the network connection you are using: ifconfig.Copy file from local to server via SSH: scp ~/Desktop/file.png and system commands.Copy file from server to local via SSH: scp ~/Desktop/.Copy file or directory: cp examplefile.txt /home/pi/office/.Move/rename a file: mv current-filename.txt new-filename.txt.Display the contents of a file: cat sample-filename.txt.To save and exit a file (when editing with nano): ctrl+x, y, Enter.Create a file/display the contents of a file: nano sample-filename.txt.named example.txt) in the current directory: touch sample-filename.txt Show details of multiple files: file filename1 filename2.Create a symlink: ln -s source-dirname destination-dirname.Remove a directory and all of its contents: rm -rf sample-dirname/.Remove an empty directory: rmdir sample-dirname.

#Raspberry pi create new sudo user free
If you are not already a bit familiar with the command line, I recommend the free ebook from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Below I provide a concise list of the essentials. You will likely be using the command line a lot when working with Raspberry Pi’s.